
TMHA Premier Sponsorship Program

The Machinery Haulers Association offers its members, members’ suppliers, and other interested parties, the opportunity to be individually recognized as honored Sponsors of TMHA and to provide support to the organization. There is a sponsorship level available for every budget, large or small, and no matter what time of year you sponsor, Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze sponsors always receive 12 full months’ benefit, not just the balance of the calendar year!

The TMHA Premiere Sponsorship Program offers sponsors several tangible benefits, but one very important benefit stands out. If offers access to a select group of motor carrier owners and executives from some of the most highly-regarded specialized, open-deck commercial motor carriers in the industry … the members of TMHA!

Here are just a few of the benefits of being a TMHA Premiere Sponsor!

The above are all benefits received at the Platinum, Gold, Silver & Bronze levels of support. If your sponsorship budget is limited, there are options available at the Supporting level that are just right for you. Please contact us to find out all the details!

TMHA’s Premier Sponsorship Program is the perfect way to get your company involved while offering valuable support to TMHA. Please don’t hesitate to take advantage of this opportunity to support the Association and to showcase your own company!

Please contact Clayton Fisk with questions or inquiries by calling (319) 214-7323 or by e-mailing [email protected].  We look forward to filling you in on all the details about the advantages and benefits you enjoy when you become a Sponsor of TMHA.